Intentional Leadership: Get up now. Go talk to someone.

by Johna Campbell on August 1, 2010

Today, many leaders have their heads down, focusing on their goals, which likely include pulling themselves and their company out of the effects of the recession. Their laser beam is focused and there isn’t anything or anybody that gets in the way.

This is all good except when the same goal oriented manager loses touch with the people in the organization.

With all the fires burning brightly right on top of your desk, how can you take the time to talk to your employees? You ask yourself – “Aren’t there many other important issues that I should be dealing with?” The answer, yes there are issues that are more urgent. BUT…. you must take the time to talk to your employees. OK, don’t just talk to them but listen to them. Listening to your employees is like stopping to take your blood pressure. We check our blood pressure because doctors tell us it’s the silent killer. Employee’s have information that can also be a silent killer for your business, if their leaders don’t pay attention. Employees tell you things that are going on just below the surface that will lead to good or poor company health in the future. When the numbers on the cuff are out of range, you can make adjustments to turn the ship and affect the long term.

I’m not just talking about making sure the numbers (measurable) are in line. Listen for other symptoms to be sure you’re in touch with what’s really happening with your organization. Other symptoms you may hear about: disgruntled employees, fear of change, problems with products that have not yet affected the numbers, areas where you need to reinforce communication, strategies, tactics.
Get up now. Go talk to someone.

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