The Sky is NOT Falling…. Nobody wants to work for Chicken Little

by Johna Campbell on November 4, 2010

The Sky is NOT Falling!

Have you ever worked for a pessimist?  “…this is too big, we’re not going to make it” are words you never want to hear from your leader.  Have you ever found yourself saying those or similar words to your colleagues or subordinates?  Doing so is like ADDING buckets of water to a ship in danger of going down. 

Strong leaders face difficult problems every day.  Their job is to make sure that those around them can see the vision, understand how to get there, and are held accountable.  When a leader at any level affirms that the team will not make it, goals are unachievable, or the ship will in fact sink in icy waters — it’s certain to all that the team is wasting effort.

If you find yourself in this precarious spot as a leader – wondering if the ship is going to sink….  If you need help in planning how to work the bilge pump or determining whether you’ll make others walk the plank to ease up the overall weight of the ship, be careful about casual conversations to the team.  Find the right people inside or outside your organization to talk with or develop the plans needed to succeed.  No one wants to be on Chicken Little’s team!

Be a great leader for your organization – find a way to make it work.  Your team deserves the perspective of a glass that is half full and that overflows with the joy they feel when they achieve their goals!

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