Intentional Leadership: Find the right people – then LISTEN!

by Johna Campbell on August 20, 2010


Listening: the best source of information

So, if you are seeking to understand what’s really going on in your organization, how do you know who to talk to?  After all, you can’t talk to everyone — and still deal with the fires burning on your desk!  But, like taking the time to know you blood pressure number, you must take time to listen. But if you can’t listen to everyone, who will you listen to?  

Locate some individuals at all levels of the organization who are straight shooters.  Those are the folks who can see a balanced picture of what’s going well and where the problem areas lie.  They have to be able to put their own agenda to the side.  They should be able to see the problems in front of them as well as the problems in the process both before and after them while understanding the big picture.  These are your team of spotters.  When life is too busy, you can drop by for a quick conversation; get a reading on the blood pressure of the organization. 

Key points:  1.) It’s OK to just listen.  2.) Not all issues have to be resolved when they are brought up. 

But not knowing they are lurking, that can be a problem that is the next brightly burning fire on your desk.  That fire may even include some fireworks or toxic fumes.  Don’t you want to know about the toxicity before it affects the business, employees and customers?

Get up now.  Go talk to someone.  Not just anyone but someone who can help you quickly feel the blood pressure of the business.

{ 1 comment }

Lisa Mays September 14, 2010 at 8:03 pm

I think this is one of the most important areas of management — listening to the hum of the organization. Thank you for the excellent reminder of the touch points of listening and then responding. Thank you!

Lisa Mays

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